Teaching Resources

Classroom Videos

  • http://t4tenglish.ufsc.br/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/capa-dvd1.png

    Sala de Aula Comentada

    Sala de Aula Comentada is a DVD with 8 fragments of real ELT classroom events in secondary and high school contexts, in animation. Each fragment is followed by a commentary on  the excerpted passage of a tenured professor of English teaching and learning and teacher education. This DVD is aimed to promote pre- and in-service teachers’ pedagogical knowledge and development. It is a result of an on-going teacher education project for teachers of English of Santa Catarina State, being financed by the Brazilian Ministry of Education and Culture (SEB-MEC) and supported by the Secretary of Education of Santa Catarina State (SED-SC).

Monolingual Dictionaries

Bilingual Dictionaries (Portuguese-English and vice versa)

My online articles

Sites on English teaching and learning

ELT events (Brazil and worldwide)