About the site
a) As a professor of ELT methodology and teaching practicum at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, I have encouraged my student teachers to design a number of activities around a theme, write lesson plans, implement and evaluate them in secondary and high schools, during their teaching practice, and under my supervision. The materials they design are carefully crafted to meet the students’ needs, and this material may interest other Brazilian teachers of English.
b) In my ELT courses and seminars, in-service teachers have shown interest in the activities my student teachers have designed. They say they want to improve their practice with diverse themes and activities. So, why not to share these materials?
c) The student teachers’ activities may benefit from critical analysis and feedback from other teachers of English. This way, cooperative learning is fostered, and critical reflection is promoted by both the designers and the users of the activities.
The creation of this site was made possible through grants from Fundação de Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina (FUNCITEC) in 2005, a research funding agency from Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Nowadays, the agency is known as Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Inovação do Estado de Santa Catarina (FAPESC – http://www.fapesc.sc.gov.br/).
The T4T site offers varied teaching resources.
a) You can have free access to ELT thematic activities to complement your lessons for secondary and high school groups;
b) You can find free ebooks with themes and activities, and a book on ELT methodology.
c) You can watch Sala de Aula Comentada, an educational DVD for pedagogical knowledge and teacher development.
d) You can find useful links and information for effective lesson planning.
e) You can contact the authors of the activities (their addresses are given within the activity file) and the site coordinator to send your feedback, solve doubts, suggest ideas and comment on the results of the activity implemention in your classroom.
Be our guest!
Rosely P. Xavier and Collaborators
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
About the T4T team
Rosely Perez Xavier
Currículo Lattes
- Pre-service teachers who have attended ELT Methodology Course and/or English Teaching Practicum (I) and (II) at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) under the supervision of the coordinator of this site.
- PIBID Inglês scholars at UFSC (2012 – 2015)