Available themes with activities
If you use any of the activities of this site, please give appropriate credit indicating this link and also the author(s) who has designed the activity. This is essential for those who have worked hard and dedicated their time to design varied activities for the teacher use in the EFL classroom.

List of Activities:
7. Reading a Monica's Gang comic strip to understand specific information
6. Reading a Garfield comic strip to understand specific information
5. Creating a comic strip in the computer
4. Relating narratives to the events of a comic strip, and giving a title to the story
3. Listening to a story to rearrange the events of a comic strip
2. Reading "the Flintstones" comic strip to understand specific information
1. Reading two comic strips to make the stories coherent

List of Activities:
Unscrambling the fable "The hare and the tortoise" to make it coherent
Creating a bilingual mini-dictionary with enhanced past verbs found in the fables
Interacting with classmates to complete a jigsaw with parts of the fables "The lion going to war" and "The fox and the grapes"
Making the fable "The lion going to war" into a dialogue
Writing speech balloons to create a story based on the fable "The fox and the grapes"
Reading the fables "The lion going to war" and "The fox and the grapes" to understand their morals
Comparing the fables "The lion going to war" and "The fox and the grapes"
Listening to the fable "The Wind and the Sun" to understand the general idea
Reading the fable "The bear and the two friends" to understand specific information

List of Activities:
9. Completing a movie review with linking words
8. Completing a movie review with appositions
7. Listening to opinions about a movie to make inferences
6. Relating a movie scene to its review
5. Reading a movie homepage to define its function and content
4. Identifying information in a movie poster
3. Watching a trailer of the movie "Akeelah and the Bee" to understand specific information
2. Understanding movie ratings
1. Watching movie trailers to define the genre, to take decisions and to justify